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Best ERP System for Service Industry

When you are running a consulting business, service and repair, managing health services, providing property management services, or any other services your needs are slightly different than a typical manufacturing or trading organization, where the focus is on the current assets or material to be stored, procured or sold.

In Vision, you can create projects

A typical service organization’s business is project-oriented by nature, as opposed to product-centric. In Vision, you can create projects, track human resources, record, control and manage costs toward projects. Extensive dashboards keep the management team “on top” of all projects.

Users can maintain and record all documents

Services organizations have to deal with a lot of paperwork, internal documentation, contracts, and agreements, which is a crucial element for their business. Using Vision’s document management capability users can maintain and record all documents within the Vision platform without the need to have a separate document management system.

Very flexible and robust payroll system

Employees are a key resource for any services-based organization, Vision Employee management, and HRiMS modules, along with a very flexible and robust payroll system provide the edge to organizations to manage their human resources.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is ERP for services?

ERP for services refers to an integrated solution designed to streamline and optimize operations within service-oriented businesses. In the context of service organizations, Vision serves as an exemplary ERP system by offering project management, document handling, HR management, and payroll functionalities, ensuring a holistic and efficient approach to service business operations.

Vision’s Employee Management, HRiMS modules, and flexible payroll system provide service organizations with a competitive edge in managing human resources. From employee records to payroll processing, Vision ensures organizations can efficiently handle and streamline their workforce-related processes.

Vision ERP facilitates comprehensive resource tracking, cost recording, and management for service organizations involved in various projects. The platform’s project-centric approach allows users to monitor human resources, control costs, and stay on top of project-related activities through extensive dashboards


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