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Best ERP Software for Construction and Real Estate

Construction and real estate are project-oriented industries that highly value resource estimation and closely monitor time, money, and material budgets.

Vision Construction ERP Software is designed so that you can set up your projects and estimate and monitor costs for each defined activity.

Below are some of the areas where Proteus Vision helps our clients run their businesses.

Construction ERP Software by Proteus Vision

Construction and real estate are project-oriented industries that highly value resource estimation and closely monitor time, money, and material budgets.

Vision Construction ERP Software is designed so that you can set up your projects and estimate and monitor costs for each defined activity.

Multi-location – Multi-financial entity

Vision ERP Software is intended to manage multiple site/project locations that can be configured under multiple financial entities, which is a common requirement in large projects. It enables centralized procurement and inventory management and a unified view and planning of all costs and inventories.

 Planning, Estimation, and Budgets

Vision’s Construction Software will help Project managers to estimate the time, materials, and resources required for each project activity. The planning estimation and budgets module assists project personnel in effectively creating a project, budgeting costs, and tracking progress.

The project configuration tool guides users through the process of building the project as a whole and breaking it down into components. Or a large project can typically be divided into phases, wings, buildings, utilities, common areas, and dwellings, with a hierarchical definition and entities linked to individual units.

Budgets for costs and expenses can be created by users with simple clicks.

Proteus Vision allows you to create budget versions and track them throughout the project’s lifecycle. Proteus Vision can be configured to enforce budgets, either warning a user of the overrun or preventing them from proceeding with the transaction without the necessary approvals.

Project schedules, activities, and Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) can be imported from MS Project or Primavera using our dedicated plugins.

Sub Contract Management

A large number of activities in Real estate and construction projects are outsourced to subcontractors and from a significant portion of the project. These activities need to be planned and monitored to ensure the execution of the project with time and cost budgets.

With the help of Construction ERP Software by Proteus Vision, here are some of the features to make it easier traceability for subcontractors

  1. Auto creation of Subcontract orders based on a plan.
  2. Inventory monitoring at subcontractor.
  3. Quality of job completed by a subcontractor.
  4. Ensuring that vendors are paid on agreed milestones
  5. Auto consumption of material based on work done.
  6. Users can see the stock of material issued at multiple buildings to a specific Sub Contractor in one go.


In addition to the standard accounting requirements of maintaining an asset register and calculating depreciation. With the help of Proteus Vision, businesses can identify, track, and transfer assets from one location to another. The asset module is inextricably linked to the plant maintenance module and tracks each asset’s expenditures and investments.

Document Management

Proteus Vision allows you unlimited flexibility in storing all relevant files related to items, customers, vendors, orders, or any other data defined within Vision’s transactions Examples include pictures, schematics, or compliance certificates of your inventory items and bill of materials, store a PDF of the customer Purchase Order (PO) with the sales order.


 Proteus Vision CRM  provides a core CRM platform with lead management as well as a sales force solution. We firmly believe that when it comes to CRM solutions, there can not be a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Depending on the customer’s requirement, we incorporate customer-specific practices into the core of our CRM application, providing our customers with the necessary competitive advantage.

Quality Management

Quality Management is an underlying process from the time the material is “inward” to the organization issue to the shop floor and the manufacturing process. Using Construction ERP Software by Proteus Vision helps in recording the quality metrics for what needs to be monitored from a product quality perspective and then validating the results is simple and intuitively flows as a natural consequence of day-to-day activities.

Equipment Maintenance

Vision PM module maximizes productivity while minimizing downtime. With Proteus Vision, you can easily plan, schedule, and prioritize the maintenance required to keep your equipment running at peak capacity. Proteus Vision also keeps a track of maintenance costs that are associated with each asset.

Here are some products of Proteus Vision that might help your organization in Departments like ManufacturingFinance, or in the process from Order to Cash, and Cloud ERP for SMEs.

For more details on our product Contact Us, click here.

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