Tag: Best Cloud ERP software

Food Products and Pharmaceutical

ERP for Pharmaceutical and Food – Part 1

A standard ERP solution supports accounting, finance areas, but they are unable to meet the needs of pharmaceutical companies when it comes to manufacturing, inventory, sales and purchasing… retro-fit and will never be “by design” approach.

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Innovation Graphics

Customer Driven Innovation

Clients were very excited with the search feature… Until we met one of our customers… The attachment feature was ‘useless’ for him… The feedback was bounced to the product innovation team and they came out with ‘Remote Scan’ – an option that allows users to add an attachment seamlessly using his phone.

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ERP for Pharmaceutical and Food- Part 2

Recipe management and scaling of batches is very important in pharmaceutical manufacturing. How the recipe needs to be altered to compensate for a change in potency or any other specifications and its impact on the process should be inherently addressed by the ERP solution. When batch runs are scaled up or down, the batch quantity ranges and the production parameters do not necessarily follow a linear function.

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Top most liked features in ERP

Vision Assistant offers a range of powerful tools, from streamlined transaction recording to dynamic information panels. With features like mobile document scanning and advanced search, it’s a comprehensive solution for efficient business operations.

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